Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My new lap top

Okay so I've officially never blogged before, and judging by my use of social networking sites, I'm more than likely not going to do this very often. I kind of just wanted to get this going since Les and I were just checking out the wonderful world of Google and all it has to offer. Then we got onto blogging, and here I am. Wasting minutes of some unlucky soul whom happens to be reading this as we speak. I apologize to you folks out there who could be doing better things such as sewing buttons on clothes, playing jacks or tying a shoe. Leslie got me this brand new lap top and I am very excited about it. Today was the start of NCAA hoops and I got a new computer. Good day for me. Merry Chrissmith!!! So there is my first blog people. Feels as worthless as a stripper pole in a monastery but hey, I gave it a shot and there may be more to come. If you're lucky. Later folks.

1 comment:

  1. I'm liking this! Keep it up! Highly entertaining :)
